We all wish to be forever in love with that special someone in our lives but are we really doing what it takes?
Staying in love with someone needs a lot of effort from you and your partner. So are you really serious about staying in love with that special person in your life?
Below are 10 ways to stay forever in love

1. When was the last time you told your partner “I love you”? You need to stop assuming your partner knows. Your partner wants you to reassure them of your unending love daily. Never forget to always say “I love you”.

2. Never let a day pass without communicating with your partner. I know you always hear this but we can’t stop emphasising on the importance of communication. Ensure you call or send a message to your partner daily. Your partner needs to know they are always in your thoughts.
3. Do you trust your partner? Never be with someone you cannot trust. Trust is important in every relationship. A relationship without trust is doomed to fail. To stay forever in love with your partner, trust in the relationship is important. Trust is one element that can either make or break your relationship.
4. For you to stay in love with your partner forever, you have to learn to pick your battles wisely. You should understand that you don’t have to win every argument with your partner, you have to learn to lose some battles because some fights are just pointless.
5. When was the last time you praised your partner? Some can’t even remember. For you to stay forever in love with your partner, you have to learn how to praise your partner. It’s always nice to hear kind words from your partner. Be proud of your partner’s achievements too.
6. Respect in every relationship is really important. You can’t stay forever in love with your partner if you don’t respect your partner. Some persons believe their partner has to do everything they want them to do but I really think it’s wrong. You should understand you and your partner are two different beings and your partner must not always share your opinion. Also learn not to force your partner into doing things your partner really isn’t comfortable doing.
7. If you want to stay forever in love with your partner, you have to learn how to appreciate the good things about your partner. It’s so easy to focus on the flaws of your partner but you have to learn to pay attention to the good things about your partner.
8. Bring spontaneous would help you stay forever in love with your partner. When was the last time you went on a date with your partner on an ordinary day?Monotony don’t help relationships.
9. You have to do the things your partner likes sometimes so they would be happy if you want to stay forever in love.
10. Quality time with your partner is important if you want to stay forever in love with your partner. Also learn to be kind and courteous.

10 WAYS TO STAY FOREVER IN LOVE! 10 WAYS TO STAY FOREVER IN LOVE! Reviewed by loy1 on September 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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